
Description Ditto is an extension to the standard windows clipboard. It saves each item placed on the clipboard allowing you access to any of those items at a later time. Ditto allows you to save any type of information that can be put on the clipboard, text, images, html, custom formats. The ClipboardItem interface of the Clipboard API represents a single item format, used when reading or writing data via the Clipboard API. That is and clipboard.write respectively. Clipboard Health is an online marketplace offering no-commitment staffing for healthcare facilities and on-demand shifts for healthcare professionals. Go to Clipboard. Advice and answers from the Clipboard Team. Getting Started. Basic Terminology & Setup Steps. 1 article in this collection Written by Ed Colyer. One standout, though, is the new and improved Windows clipboard, which adds new skills and abilities to help you cut, copy, and paste items. You can now store a running history of items that you've.

The ClipboardItem interface of the Clipboard API represents a single item format, used when reading or writing data via the Clipboard API. That is and clipboard.write() respectively.


The benefit of having the ClipboardItem interface to represent data, is that it enables developers to cope with the varying scope of file types and data easily.

Access to the contents of the clipboard is gated behind the Permissions API: The clipboard-write permission is granted automatically to pages when they are in the active tab. The clipboard-read permission must be requested, which you can do by trying to read data from the clipboard.

Note: To work with text see the Clipboard.readText() and Clipboard.writeText() methods of the Clipboard interface.

Note: You can only pass in one clipboard item at a time.


Creates a new ClipboardItem object, with the MIME type as the key and Blob as the value



This interface provides the following properties.

typesRead only
Returns an Array of MIME types available within the ClipboardItem.
presentationStyleRead only
Returns one of the following: 'unspecified', 'inline' or 'attachment'.


Pinned clipboard itemsClipboardey

This interface defines the following methods.

Returns a Promise that resolves with a Blob of the requested MIME type, or an error if the MIME type is not found.


Writing To Clipboard

Here we're writing a new ClipboardItem.ClipboardItem() to the clipboard by requesting a png image using the Fetch API, and in turn, the responses' blob() method, to create the new ClipboardItem.

Reading From The Clipboard

Here we're returning all items on the clipboard via the method. Then utilizing the ClipboardItem.types property to set the getType() argument and return the corresponding blob object.

Clipboard Vue


How Do I Open The Clipboard

Clipboard API and events
The definition of 'ClipboardItem' in that specification.
Working DraftInitial definition.

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

Microsoft Clipboard Free Download

See also